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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2014-09-24  浏览次数:197
核心提示:目录论文广场自紧式人孔结构的疲劳评定 张学伟Fatigue Assessment of Self-tightening Manhole微内压固定顶储罐的锚固设计赵帅
自紧式人孔结构的疲劳评定 张学伟
Fatigue Assessment of Self-tightening Manhole
微内压固定顶储罐的锚固设计 赵帅 刘德军 张伯成
Anchor Design of Micro Internal Pressure Fixed Roof Storage Tank
深水海底管道终端设施(PLET)管道应力分析 张飞 孟宪武 李刚 方伟 陈卓
Piping Stress Analysis for Subsea PLET
基于SolidWorks Simulation的轨道式球阀密封比压有限元分析 刘永良 颜震 李峰 俞晓龙
Finite Element Analysis of Sealing Pressure for Orbit Ball Valve based on SolidWorks Simulation
釜式重沸器的设计 李宇达
The Design of the Kettle-Type Reboiler 某预过滤器设备法兰及管板稳态操作条件下有限元分析及强度和疲劳评定 钱祥
Finite Element Analysis and Strength and Fatigue Evaluation in Flanges and Tubesheet of Pre Filter on Steady-state Operating Condition
不锈钢阀门压力-温度额定值的应用与研究 陈鹏
Application and Research for Pressure –Temperature Ratings of Stainless Valve
基于ABAQUS的悬空管道地震响应分析 孙健
Earthquake Response Analysis for Vacant Pipeline Based on ABAQUS
大型LNG工厂空压制氮单元作用 杨烨 许克军 彭斌望 袁胜华
Cell Function of Nitrogen Making by Air Compression of Large LNG Factory
压力容器材料代用中应注意的若干问题 王远利
Some Attentive Problems in Material Substitution for Pressure Vessel
自动化系统在自循环清蜡热洗中的应用 薛涛 朱礼同 崔玉红 刘婷婷 赵俊月
Application of Automation System for Since Cycle Thermal Washing Oil Well
长输管道全自动焊接技术施工分析及应用建议 曾燕丽
Long Distance Pipeline Automatic Welding Technology Construction Analysis and Application Suggestion
固定式气举阀氮气排液技术分析 姜喜梅 于友元 詹婷婷
Fixed Type Gas Lift Valve Nitrogen Gas Drainage Technology is Analysed
基于风险的检验(RBI)研究工作中装置检验周期的确定 王志成 张涛 许力伟 夏雨
Determination Method of Plant Overhaul Cycle in RBI Research
钻井泥浆泵活塞刺漏故障原因及解决措施 陈小川
Brief Analysis about Piercing Fault on Mud Pump Piston
氩气流量对阳极化学成分分析检测结果的影响 孔繁伟 张旭 景修静 刘凯 秦玉良 刘苗苗 Influence of Argon Flow on Anode Chemical Analysis
变压吸附装置运行故障处理 张伟东
Cause Analysis of Malfunction in Pressure Swing Adsorption Unit and Deal With It
压力容器的应力腐蚀及控制措施 尤晓辉
Pressure Vessels’ Stress Etching and Control Measures
杨忠平 李虎全 王敏华 韩攀峰 张健 席雄伟
DT22-2 Heat Insulation Coating Application in Corrosion Protection Technology of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Spherical Tank
半焊式板式换热器应用于氯乙烯冷凝装置的可行性 李永超 马跃军 王春静
Feasibility Semi-Welded Plate Heat Exchangers Used in Vinyl Chloride Condensing Unit
伊通地区钻井液防塌技术应用研究 王亚东
Application of Technology of Anti Collapse Drilling Fluid in Yitong Area
苏幼明 郭国盛 张金石 陈帅 张辉 秦宁 孙为志
Design and Application of Fire Safety Protection Schemes for Large Low Temperature Tank of LNG
多点式地面火炬安全环保性能初探 苟彬德
Discussion on Safety and Environment Protection Performance of Multi-Point Ground Flare
控制输油站连接法兰泄漏的DPCZ风险等级评价法 赵新智 孙树存 李巍
Control Pumping Station Connecting Flange Leaks DPCZ Risk Level Evaluation
机械密封的力学分析及选型探讨 吴文召
To Investigate Mechanics Analysis and Selection of Mechanical Seal
苏里格气田井口采气树常见故障原因分析及对策 王烨炜 杨昭勇 陈增辉 李彦军 呼成刚
SULIGE Gas field Christmas Tree Common Cause Failure Analysis and Countermeasures
城市高层建筑燃气管道安全设计探讨 吕锋 张斌
Gas Pipeline Design Safety Problems City High-Rise Building
三螺杆泵振动原因分析及修复利用 贾严刚 贾亚林 张绚 苟继伟
Three Screw Pump Vibrationand's Cause Analysis Repair and Utilization
鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地气田DPS-11井三开水平段复杂情况预防及处理 梅永刚
Daniudi Area in Ordos Basin DPS-11 Wells Three Level Section of Prevention and Treatment of Complex Analysis
浮头式及U型管式换热器管箱端试压构件改进 李许年
Floating Head Type and U Type Pipe Type Heat Exchanger Pipe End Test Pressurecomponent
锁环式快开盲板的设计及结构特点 张翼 侯翠侠 王标
The design and structural characteristics of the lock ring fast-opening blind
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