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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2014-09-24  浏览次数:307
核心提示:目录中压天然气流量计实流标定中气体压力、温度的影响及控制方法刘晓婧 张进明 江鲲 葛志松 穆志君(2)Influences of the gas p
刘晓婧 张进明 江鲲 葛志松 穆志君(2)
Influences of the gas pressure and gas temperature and the control method on medium-pressure natural gas virtual flow calibration
Liu Xiaojing, Zhang Jingmin, Jiang Kun, Ge Zhisong, Mu Zhijun
光谱响应测试在多结型太阳能电池中的应用 王婷婷 李松丽 许蕾 张俊(5)
The application of the spectral response in multi-junction solar cells
Tingting Wang,Songli Li,Lei Xu,Jun Zhang
柱气相色谱法检测蜜饯中环己基氨基磺酸钠 王琼(8)
Gas chromatographic determination of sodium cyclamate in preserved fruit
Wang Qiong
电能表温度影响试验无人值守的检验模式 李博 邓凌翔 马宇明 赵波(10)
Discussion on an unattended test pattern of electric energy meter temperature test
Li Bo,Deng Lingxiang,Ma Yuming,Zhao Bo
时间校验仪的校准方案 黄洪(13)
Calibration scheme of the time calibrator
Huang Hong
压电加速度计校准时不同安装方式的比较 潘良明 刘立群 (15)
Comparison of different fixed methods about piezoelectric accelerometer calibration
Pan Liangming, Liu Liqun
新装修房屋室内空气质量预测方法 钱明媛(18)
Study of the prediction method for the indoor air quality of the decorated house
Qian Mingyuan
图像处理技术在智能指示表检定仪中的实现 张强(24)
Application of image processing technique in automatic tester for dial gauge
Zhang Qiang
基于磁弹法的磨削烧伤检测及定标在企业中的应用 朱正德(27)
The application of grinding burn measurement by Magnetoelastic Method
Zhu Zhengde
重力加速度计的静态校准方法 杨爱东(30)
Shallow discuss that the static calibration on gravity accelerometer
Yang Aidong
肺功能仪校准方法 马建民 罗 峥(33)
Calibration method for the pulmonary function measuring instrument
Ma Jianmin,Luo Zheng
基于EXCEL直流电流参数CMC的计算方法 张露妍 肖亮(36)
The calculation method of DC current CMC based on EXCEL
Zhang Luyan,Xiao liang
关注高频电刀高频漏电流的校准 黄耀森(38)
Concern over calibrating the high frequency leakage current of the high-frequency electrotome
Huang Yaosen
负压法音速喷嘴气体流量标准装置的使用 王 强(40)
Discussion on Use of Standard gas flowrate facilities by means of negative pressure critical flow venturi nozzles
Wang Qiang
PHS系列数显酸度计输入电流超差原因分析及故障排除 范海东 王玲锋(42)
PHS Series digital pH meter input current fault-tolerance and exclusions
Fan Haidong,Wang Lingfeng
验光仪计量检定的注意事项 杜 洁(44)
The attentions in metrological verification of eye refractometers
Du Jie
长度计量基础知识讲座 第四十三讲:套管尺 顾耀宗(46)
Length metrology knowledge lecture(43)Casing Coupling Meter
Gu Yaozong
压力表计量基础知识讲座 第四讲:压力表的结构及工作原理(上)
Pressure gauges lectures on basic knowledge of measurement(4)prussure gauge construction and work principle(top)
Dai Xiaohua
首饰产品标识规定的释义 陈丁滢 吴嵩(50)
Paraphrase of the ornament products standards Chen Dingying,Wu Song
卡尺刀口内量爪示值误差的检定方法 刘亚俊(53)
Analysis of the verification methods about errors of calipers inner jaws
Liu Yajun
刀口内量爪示值误差检定方法的专用检具 陶三春 黄守义(54)
Special testing apparatus of the verification methods about errors of calipers inner jaws
Tao Sanchun,Huang Shouyi
计量技术机构如何开展能源计量服务 李长武 成 伟(56)
How to implement energy measuring services for the technical institutions of metrology
Li Changwu,Cheng Wei
第三方公正计量机构管理体系的持续改进 吴晓虹 史国豪(59)
Continuing to improve the management system of the third-party fair measurement station
Wu Xiaohong,Shi Guohao
计量标准的稳定性考核与重复性试验 孙晓莉(61)
The stability assessment and repeated experiments of measurement standard
Sun Xiaoli
公文 (63)
总目次 (69)
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